Monday, June 9, 2008

On the ranch, etc.

This is the "Bunkhouse" right outside of Medicine Lodge where we stayed one night and the Dustmans stayed three.
We saw a couple of horny toads on our walk at the bunkhouse...can you see him?

This is Jonathan Paul Wilkerson, the youngest of their eight kids. He took a liking to Rachael's bear, George.

This is Peter Wilkerson...future lady killer...
At the rodeo...

This is actually at Pastor Wilkerson's place. Someone gave them a horse and she was really gentle to ride. It's good for them because they have eight kids that like to ride it :)


Smiley said...

well you seem to have more of a hang of riding horses than i do! i've only done it once and barely lived to tell about it!

Deege said...

You went to a rodeo!!! I'm so absolutely jealous of you and you rode a horse! I'm not too jealous about the whole feeding cows thing lol. Nice pics and cool vidoe.