Monday, February 11, 2008

Moving Forward

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, school has gotten pretty busy again. We're back into our cozy little routine, school and work is going well.
I haven't really introduced you guys to our new RA. Her name is Ruth Jones and she's so awesome. I wish I could share with you some of the videos I have of her and Lizzie, but I don't want to die. I guess a picture will be safe enough, though.

Last weekend we went to Teresa Clark's big 30th birthday bash. We played games at Chuck-e-Cheeses and then partied more at her house. Her sister surprised her and came in from Texas for the weekend. They serenaded us when Nathaniel Gray wasn't putting on a show.

We had a major blessing this weekend: we now have enough money for the choir trip to England! God has really worked and blessed us so much, we now have enough for the trip and for some extra spending money. We're really getting excited about the trip, only 21 days and we'll be flying across the Atlantic to Jolly Ol' England. We'll be flying into London, staying there a few days and meeting some members of Parliament, and then driving over a few days to Scotland. We will then be going by ferry to Northern Ireland where we will be participating in a youth revival. What we need most of all is prayer. The Lord moved through the trip last year, and we are expecting something great from Him. There will be around 70 choir members going, and we need a lot of prayer for safety and health. The few days after we get there may be difficult because it will be a major weather and time change. Most of all please pray that the Holy Spirit would work in our hearts and of the ones we are going to be ministering to in the UK.


Unknown said...

Oh my word! I CANNOT believe you posted those pictures! Hope we don't get into too much trouble :p

Smiley said...

isn't it fun to pretend up there on the platform?? i had a pizza party in the auditorium once. it was yummy!!!